If knee pain and stiff joints impact your quality of life, you maybe one of many people dealing with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. Our latest blog provides in-depth information on the condition - including a condition breakdown, symptoms, and treatment options. Don't let knee pain hold you back; read more below for a deeper understanding of knee osteoarthritis.
The anatomy of the knee joint is fascinating, allowing us to bend, squat, and pivot with fantastic flexibility. The knee joint comprises three bones--the femur, tibia, and patella--which provide joint stability and shock absorption. There's a joint space between the bones in the knee joint, which is filled with cartilage and joint fluid, allowing two rough surfaces to glide against one another comfortably. Unfortunately, joint degeneration, known as osteoarthritis, can sometimes occur, leading to a dramatic loss of joint space and mobility.
Osteoarthritis is a progressive degenerative bone disease resulting from the joint's cartilage wearing down over time. This can occur due to repetitive movement, increased pressure on specific areas, or even age-related wear and tear. Everyday activities such as walking upstairs or even taking one step have become more difficult for people affected by the condition. Knowing more about the knee's anatomy can provide insight into what happens when osteoarthritis develops—resulting in more informed treatment decisions and greater awareness when pursuing preventative measures.
Osteoarthritis of the knee is a common joint disorder that can cause significant discomfort. Some of its telltale symptoms include bone spurs, reduced range of motion, swelling, and increased knee joint stiffness. These can make walking, climbing stairs, or even straightening your leg difficult. If left untreated, osteoarthritis can lead to permanent damage and further decreased knee mobility. Luckily, if caught early, there are several treatments available to aid in reducing pain and improving knee mobility.
Osteoarthritis of the knee is a common condition affecting over 32million Americans. A specialist will first assess knee mobility and stiffness to diagnose OA of the knee. Medical imaging such as X-ray, MRI, or ultra sound can help to identify any cartilage and bone damage caused by OA in the knee joint.
The good news is that a range of treatment options are available for those learning to manage a life with OA of the knee. Treatment options usually vary depending on the severity of the condition. However, common treatments available include:
-Knee brace or splint
-Knee injections (corticosteroids, hyaluronic acid)
-Medications primarily NSAIDs
-Physical therapy
-Surgery (Total KneeReplacement)
Keeping active with an appropriate exercise program can also be beneficial in controlling symptoms and improving knee mobility. Patients are encouraged to talk to their healthcare provider about which treatment plan would be most beneficial for them.
At Rainier Clinical Research Center, we currently have OA of kneestudies enrolling patients diagnosed with the condition. Learn more by visitingour site or calling us at our toll-free number (888) 478- 8343 today. Yourjoint health KNEEds you!